Our mission:
a fundamental SHIFT by 2025
SHIFT25 is a new campaign led by a group of senior and influential Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic professionals and business organisations, following the shocking murder of George Floyd and unfolding events in the USA and the reaction to injustice around the world.
Despite our efforts at home in programmes, initiatives, charities and movements to improve the UK’s track record on diversity in recruitment and progression, we have to acknowledge and accept that it has not been enough. Whilst each individual effort in its own right has validity and value, we choose this moment in time to make changes that lie within our influence and we accept that what we have done so far is insufficient.
We are calling our campaign SHIFT25 – we are calling for a fundamental shift – and for it to happen quickly, by 2025.
We know that this is a time for greater joint action. We believe that we as individuals, our organisations, and the power of senior Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic professionals, together with London’s business community can and should do more to make London the kind of city and economy that our young people deserve.

We want to build a community that:
acknowledges that addressing the prejudice and power that adversely impacts the lives of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities has wrongly been seen as theirs to resolve and fight against.
supports all who stand for justice and equality and the right to protest.
ensures a legacy of change with a focus on young people because young eyes are watching, and questioning whether they will ever live in an equal society.
gives young members of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities genuine hope for the future, to allow them to believe that they will have an equal chance of fulfilling their dreams and potential.
We cannot erase
the past, but we can make the future better.
We have to act now and quickly. We need to stop talking about it and ‘be about it’. We invite anyone who is committed to changing to the legacy of discrimination to join us in determining the shape of the UK’s more equal economy and community.
Get involved – we want dynamic people around the table who understand the scale and nature of the shift which needs to happen – and who are prepared to harness themselves to it.